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We invi­te you

to soft­ly and joy­ful­ly explo­re and unfold, what and who you tru­ly are. I, Esther, tog­e­ther with my mul­ti­di­men­sio­nal friends in the spi­rit realms, are deligh­ted to have you with us and sup­port you. Let’s walk a part of this life jour­ney tog­e­ther, from heart to heart. more about me

What is awai­t­ing you

is an open, loving and com­pas­sio­na­te space, whe­re all of you is wel­co­me. Whe­re­ver you are right now on your life’s path, I will sup­port you with my gift as an intui­ti­ve medi­um, my expe­ri­ence as Hyp­no­the­ra­pist and sys­temic fami­ly con­stel­la­ti­on coach. We will deci­de tog­e­ther, what has prio­ri­ty in this moment for you and how best to approach it. I offer my sen­si­ti­ve and psychic abi­li­ty and allow the ener­gy in the moment to gui­de us, to help you towards expe­ri­en­cing a chan­ge into more light­ness and free­dom. find out more

How we meet and costs

  • We can meet in per­son or in my tre­at­ment room in Zürich, in the area of Triemli.
  • If we meet in per­son, we might com­bi­ned our ses­si­on with a gent­le walk in nature.
  • Online we can meet on Zoom. 

The dura­ti­on of a ses­si­on varies from 40 min (spi­ri­tu­al healing) to 1.5 hours.

The cost is CHF 150 per hour.

I ask that you bring cash to the in-per­son ses­si­on or trans­fer the fee befo­re the ses­si­on to my bank account.

If you are in a finan­cial­ly dif­fi­cult situa­ti­on cur­r­ent­ly, plea­se let me know so we can talk and see what can be arranged.


Esther Rudin
Hohen­stein­weg 18
8055 Zürich

+41 79 564 51 15